Card No: 9705       Created: 29/03/16    Last edition: 06/09/2016

Specification: [1]
Formula: Fe2[AsO4][SO4](OH) · 9H2O
Symmetry Class: triclinic
Space Group: P 1(-)
Unit Cell
a = 7.5490 | b = 10.3050 | c = 10.9040 | alpha = 115.1000 | beta = 99.8000 | gamma = 92.9000
Number of Formula Unit: Z = 2Unit Cell Volume, Å3: Vc = 749.58
Number of Atomic Position
per full Unit Cell
P/U = 82 Molar Volume, cm3/mol: Vm = 225.75
Number of Reflexes used in
Structure Determination

X-ray density, g/cm3: p = 2.36
R-factor: -MU, 1/cm: µ = 111.128
Wave Length for Calculated
Powder Diffraction Patterns
Co=1.78892Mass attenuation coefficient,
µ/p = 47.175
Theta-Interval for CPDP: T/I = 1-45