WWW-Mincryst References:

 Structure:E. Sokolova, D.M.C. Huminicki, F.C. Hawthorne;
L.A. Pautov, E.S. Grew (2002);
* Canad. Mineral., 40, 183-182;
 Unit cell parameters: $Si15.84 Al1.98 Zn0.18 Be2 Na6.57 Cs0.05 Rb0.11 K0.1 O39.63 F2 H1.26$;
 Note: Locality - Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada.
There are U(ij) in the article. D.T.N.

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to this Card:(WWW-MINCRYST, LEIFITE-5662) OR
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