Card No: 3283       Created: 02/12/97    Last edition: 06/07/2017

Specification: [3], structure type - olivine, at 300oK
Formula: Mn2SiO4
Symmetry Class: orthorhombic
Space Group: P nma
Unit Cell
a = 10.5966 | b = 6.2567 | c = 4.9023
Number of Formula Unit: Z = 4Unit Cell Volume, Å3: Vc = 325.02
Number of Atomic Position
per full Unit Cell
P/U = 28 Molar Volume, cm3/mol: Vm = 48.94
Number of Reflexes used in
Structure Determination

X-ray density, g/cm3: p = 4.13
R-factor: -MU, 1/cm: µ = 689.547
Wave Length for Calculated
Powder Diffraction Patterns
Cu=1.54056Mass attenuation coefficient,
µ/p = 167.127
Theta-Interval for CPDP: T/I = 1-45