") · ", "O." => "O · ","F."=>"F · ","S."=>"S · ","H."=>"H · ","l."=>"l · ","a."=>"a · ","}."=>"} · ","]."=>"] · "); $a=strtr($a,$trans); $aa=strchr($a,"("); if (strlen($a)==strlen($aa)): $a1="("; $a=substr($a,1,strlen($a)-1); else: $a1=""; endif; $i=0; $l[$i]=strtok($a,"("); while($l[$i]): $i++; $l[$i]=strtok("("); endwhile; $j=0; $newstr=$a1; while($j<$i): if ($l[$j]<":" && $j!=0): @$uu=strrchr($string,$chr); @$u=strlen($uu); if($u==1): $l[$j]=substr($l[$j],0,strlen($l[$j])-1).""; else: $lr1=strtok($l[$j],")"); $lr2=strtok(")"); $l[$j]=$lr1."".$lr2; endif; $l[$j]="".$l[$j]; else: if($j>0): $l[$j]="(".$l[$j]; endif; endif; $newstr=$newstr.$l[$j]; $j++; endwhile; $aa=strchr($newstr,"'"); if($aa): $a=str_replace("'''''","5+",$newstr); $a=str_replace("''''","4+",$a); $a=str_replace("'''","3+",$a); $a=str_replace("''","2+",$a); $a=str_replace("'","+",$a); else: $a=$newstr; endif; return $a; } echo "WWW-MINCRYST information card - ".$argv[0].""; ?> "@" || isset($mineral)): if(isset($mineral)) $argv[0]=$mineral; $q="select id, specie, space, formula from carta where name='".$argv[0]."' or name_rus='".$argv[0]."' or name_rus='".convert_cyr_string($argv[0],'w','k')."' order by spec_n"; // die("".$q.""); // echo $q."
"; $res=legacy_mysql_db_query($db,$q); $nn=mysql_num_rows($res); // echo $nn."
"; if($nn==0 || !$res ) die ("In WWW-MINCRYST mineral $argv[0] absent, try search from our SEARCH start page"); if($nn==1) { list($id)=mysql_fetch_row($res); ?>

List of specified cards with unique numbers under unique name


",$argv[0]); printf ( "
NNCardSpecieFormulaSpace Group"); $j=1; while($ss=mysql_fetch_row($res)) { $ss[1]=str_replace("'","o",$ss[1]); printf ( "
%d.    %d%s", $j, $argv[0],$ss[0],$ss[0],$ss[1]); printf ( "%s%s", str_form($ss[3]),$ss[2]); $j++; } printf ( "
"); } else: $id=$argv[0]; ?>

List of specified cards with unique numbers under unique name


",urldecode($argv[0])); printf ( "
NNCardSpecieFormulaSpace Group"); $nn=$argc; $j=2; $q="select id, specie, space, formula from carta where id in (".$argv[1]; while ($j<$nn): $q=$q.",".$argv[$j]; $j++; endwhile; $q=$q.") order by spec_n"; $res=legacy_mysql_db_query($db,$q); $nn=mysql_num_rows($res); for ($j=0;$j<$nn;$j++) { $ss=mysql_fetch_row($res); $ss[1]=str_replace("'","o",$ss[1]); printf ( "
%d.%d%s", $j+1,$argv[0], $ss[0],$ss[0] ,$ss[1]); printf ( "%s%s", str_form($ss[3]), $ss[2]); } printf ( "
"); } mysql_close(); ?>