Institute of Experimental Mineralogy
                 Russian Academy of Sciences
           142432, Chernogolovka, Moscow district
             A.V. Chichagov  +7(496)52-22320


          ***      W W W - X R A Y P O L       ***

4, syn, at 8.3 GPa, f-nickeline, g-modderite


Orthorhombic  P nam  Z = 4


6 .8 .1907


         Lyman P.S., Prewitt C.T. (1984)

         * Acta Cryst., B40, 14-20


         All structure data for this sample at pressures from 0.0001 GPa

         upto 8.3 GPa see in the original.  N.A.D.

                   Initial data from BDM-file 

   Lattice parameters (cub. angs.,degr.):

             a =   5.39     alpha =   90.0 
             b =   5.928    beta  =   90.0 
             c =   3.2662   gamma =   90.0 

    Unit cell volume (cub. angs.) =   104.36

    Molar volume ( =    15.72

  Co-ordinates, thermal parameters, occupation for atomic positions:

NoP   x/a     y/b     z/c    B(j)   atom  / occupation

   1 0.0029  0.198   0.25     0.0    Fe    = 1.00
   2 0.1969  0.5746  0.25     0.0    As    = 1.00

  Co-ordinates for all atomic positions :

   No       NoP      x/a        y/b       z/c 

     1       1     0.0029     0.198      0.25  
     2       2     0.1969     0.5746     0.25  
     3       1     0.9971     0.802      0.75  
     4       2     0.8031     0.4254     0.75  
     5       1     0.5029     0.302      0.25  
     6       2     0.6969     0.9254     0.25  
     7       1     0.4971     0.698      0.75  
     8       2     0.3031     0.0746     0.75  

X-ray density (g/cm cub.)   =      8.32

MU (1/cm) =     797.778    Mass attenuation coefficient (cm**2/g) =     95.885

 Selected interatomic distances (cation-anion,anion-anion):

 NoP    Atom              Rad.sph.      C.N.    Distance     NoP N.
                           (angs.)               (angs.)

    1    Fe                  3.252        6
                                                 2.4652       2
                                                 2.3757       2
                                                 2.3757       2
                                                 2.309        2
                                                 2.4125       2
                                                 2.4125       2
    2    As                  4.584       12
                                                 3.2662       2
                                                 3.2662       2
                                                 3.7584       2
                                                 3.7584       2
                                                 2.8204       2
                                                 2.8204       2
                                                 3.404        2
                                                 3.404        2
                                                 3.4322       2
                                                 3.4322       2
                                                 3.4322       2
                                                 3.4322       2

  X-ray diffraction powder data (II),  X-Ray W.L. =   1.78892(angs.):

  No   H   K   L   Theta 2*Theta    S       LPG   MF        F          I int.
                    ( degree )                                         *100

    1   1   1   0 12.961  25.922   0.125   36.9     4        5.2       36.1
    2   0   2   0 17.564  35.128   0.169   19.22    2        2.1        1.5
    3   0   1   1 18.22   36.44    0.175   17.74    4       30.1      588.4
    4   2   0   0 19.384  38.768   0.186   15.47    2        2.1        1.2
    5   1   2   0 20.145  40.29    0.193   14.21    4       81.7     3480.2
    6   1   1   1 20.731  41.462   0.198   13.33    8       88.2     7616.8
    7   2   1   0 21.382  42.764   0.204   12.43    4       26.4      318.4
    8   2   0   1 25.486  50.972   0.241    8.36    4       63.9     1253.2
    9   1   2   1 26.104  52.208   0.246    7.91    8       70.9     2918.6
   10   2   2   0 26.653  53.305   0.251    7.55    4      103.5     2968.8
   11   2   1   1 27.128  54.256   0.255    7.25    8      103.3     5679.6
   12   1   3   0 28.824  57.648   0.27     6.32    4       64.0      949.3
   13   3   1   0 31.346  62.692   0.291    5.24    4       91.0     1594.5
   14   2   2   1 31.706  63.413   0.294    5.11    8       31.6      375.7
   15   0   3   1 31.942  63.883   0.296    5.03    4      127.9     3018.0
   16   0   0   2 33.21   66.42    0.306    4.62    2      156.4     2076.0
   17   1   3   1 33.674  67.348   0.31     4.49    8       14.9       73.0
   18   2   3   0 34.146  68.292   0.314    4.36    4       55.8      498.5
   19   3   2   0 35.603  71.206   0.325    4.01    4       36.1      191.2
   20   3   1   1 36.007  72.014   0.329    3.92    8       43.2      536.4
   21   1   1   2 36.289  72.577   0.331    3.86    8        5.2        7.6
   22   0   4   0 37.125  74.249   0.337    3.7     2        9.6        6.2
   23   2   3   1 38.649  77.297   0.349    3.44    8       31.8      256.0
   24   0   2   2 38.707  77.414   0.35     3.43    4        1.8        0.4
   25   1   4   0 38.752  77.504   0.35     3.43    4       75.4      714.8
   26   2   0   2 39.823  79.646   0.358    3.28    4        5.9        4.2
   27   3   2   1 40.043  80.086   0.36     3.25    8       20.5       99.9
   28   1   2   2 40.315  80.629   0.362    3.22    8       64.2      972.6
   29   2   1   2 41.144  82.288   0.368    3.12    8       21.1      101.9
   30   4   0   0 41.59   83.179   0.371    3.08    2       77.6      340.3
   31   3   3   0 42.289  84.578   0.376    3.01    4       36.8      149.7
   32   4   1   0 42.9    85.801   0.381    2.96    4       39.6      170.6
   33   1   4   1 43.097  86.193   0.382    2.95    8       30.0      194.8
   34   2   4   0 43.534  87.068   0.385    2.92    4       33.8      122.4

  X-ray diffraction powder data (I)...X-Ray wave length =  1.78892 (angs.):

  No   H   K   L   Theta 2*Theta    d           I int   I int.n.  I p.h.n.   H(Si)
                    ( degree )   (angstrem)     *100                         *100

    1   0   1   1  18.22   36.44   2.86071      588.4      7.7      7.8     5.7
    2   1   2   0  20.145  40.29   2.59721     3480.2     45.7     45.7     5.7
    3   1   1   1  20.731  41.462  2.52687     7616.8    100.0    100.0     5.7
    4   2   1   0  21.382  42.764  2.45337      318.4      4.2      4.2     5.7
    5   2   0   1  25.486  50.972  2.07873     1253.2     16.5     16.3     5.8
    6   1   2   1  26.104  52.208  2.03285     2918.6     38.3     37.9     5.8
    7   2   2   0  26.653  53.305  1.99399     2968.8     39.0     38.4     5.8
    8   2   1   1  27.128  54.256  1.96162     5679.6     74.6     73.5     5.8
    9   1   3   0  28.824  57.648  1.85526      949.3     12.5     12.2     5.8
   10   3   1   0  31.346  62.692  1.71943     1594.5     20.9     20.4     5.8
   11   2   2   1  31.706  63.413  1.7019       375.7      4.9      4.8     5.9
   12   0   3   1  31.942  63.883  1.69068     3018.0     39.6     38.5     5.9
   13   0   0   2  33.21   66.42   1.6331      2076.0     27.3     26.4     5.9
   14   2   3   0  34.146  68.292  1.59355      498.5      6.5      6.3     5.9
   15   3   2   0  35.603  71.206  1.53644      191.2      2.5      2.4     5.9
   16   3   1   1  36.007  72.014  1.52148      536.4      7.0      6.7     5.9
   17   2   3   1  38.649  77.297  1.43218      256.0      3.4      3.2     6.0
   18   1   4   0  38.752  77.504  1.42897      714.8      9.4      8.9     6.0
   19   3   2   1  40.043  80.086  1.39029       99.9      1.3      1.2     6.0
   20   1   2   2  40.315  80.629  1.38251      972.6     12.8     12.0     6.1
   21   2   1   2  41.144  82.288  1.35945      101.9      1.3      1.3     6.1
   22   4   0   0  41.59   83.179  1.3475       340.3      4.5      4.2     6.1
   23   3   3   0  42.289  84.578  1.32932      149.7      2.0      1.8     6.1
   24   4   1   0  42.9    85.801  1.31398      170.6      2.2      2.1     6.1
   25   1   4   1  43.097  86.193  1.30916      194.8      2.6      2.4     6.1
   26   2   4   0  43.534  87.068  1.2986       122.4      1.6      1.5     6.1

Chichagov A.V. et al.
Information-Calculating System on Crystal Structure Data of Minerals
- Kristallographiya, v.35, n.3, 1990, p.610-616 (in Russian)