Institute of Experimental Mineralogy
                 Russian Academy of Sciences
           142432, Chernogolovka, Moscow district
             A.V. Chichagov  +7(496)52-22320


          ***      W W W - X R A Y P O L       ***

23, alpha, t-alpha-quartz, f-silice


Hexagonal  * P3(1)21  Z = 3

R =0.0288          NR =171

3 .6 .9


         Ikuta D., Kawame N., Banno S., Hirajima T. et al. (2007)

         * Amer. Mineral., 92, 57-63

         R: Sample is in a thin section from Oomine granite, Tenkawa-mura,

         Nara, Southwest Japan.

         See U(ij) in original.   N.A.D.

                   Initial data from BDM-file 

   Lattice parameters (cub. angs.,degr.):

             a =   4.917    alpha =   90.0 
             b =   4.917    beta  =   90.0 
             c =   5.41     gamma =  120.0 

    Unit cell volume (cub. angs.) =   113.27

    Molar volume ( =    22.74

  Co-ordinates, thermal parameters, occupation for atomic positions:

NoP   x/a     y/b     z/c    B(j)   atom  / occupation

   1 0.4702  0.0     0.0      0.0    Si    = 1.00
   2 0.4137  0.2672  0.1194   0.0    O     = 1.00

  Co-ordinates for all atomic positions :

   No       NoP      x/a        y/b       z/c 

     1       1     0.4702     0.0        0.0   
     2       2     0.4137     0.2672     0.1194
     3       1     0.0        0.4702     0.6667
     4       1     0.5298     0.5298     0.3333
     5       2     0.7328     0.1465     0.7861
     6       2     0.8535     0.5863     0.4527
     7       2     0.2672     0.4137     0.5472
     8       2     0.1465     0.7328     0.8805
     9       2     0.5863     0.8535     0.2139

X-ray density (g/cm cub.)   =      2.64

MU (1/cm) =      91.006    Mass attenuation coefficient (cm**2/g) =     34.452

 Selected interatomic distances (cation-anion,anion-anion):

 NoP    Atom              Rad.sph.      C.N.    Distance     NoP N.
                           (angs.)               (angs.)

    1    Si                  2.1          4
                                                 1.608        2
                                                 1.611        2
                                                 1.6081       2
                                                 1.6107       2
    2    O                   3.264        6
                                                 2.6452       2
                                                 2.6453       2
                                                 2.6293       2
                                                 2.6169       2
                                                 2.6164       2
                                                 2.6164       2

  X-ray diffraction powder data (II),  X-Ray W.L. =   1.54056(angs.):

  No   H   K   L   Theta 2*Theta    S       LPG   MF        F          I int.
                    ( degree )                                         *100

    1   1   0   0 10.422  20.843   0.117   58.21    6       16.5      744.3
    2   1   0  -1 13.309  26.618   0.149   34.89    6       40.1     2628.6
    3   1   0   1 13.309  26.618   0.149   34.89    6       26.5     1148.3
    4   1   1   0 18.259  36.518   0.203   17.66    6       18.4      279.5
    5   1   0  -2 19.716  39.432   0.219   14.9     6        7.6       39.8
    6   1   0   2 19.716  39.432   0.219   14.9     6       18.6      240.8
    7   1   1   1 20.13   40.259   0.223   14.23   12        9.7      126.4
    8   2   0   0 21.21   42.419   0.235   12.66    6       18.8      209.9
    9   2   0  -1 22.879  45.759   0.252   10.68    6        8.9       39.8
   10   2   0   1 22.879  45.759   0.252   10.68    6       13.4       89.1
   11   1   1   2 25.048  50.097   0.275    8.69   12       25.4      522.6
   12   0   0   3 25.286  50.573   0.277    8.51    2        9.5       11.9
   13   2   0  -2 27.413  54.827   0.299    7.08    6       20.0      132.7
   14   2   0   2 27.413  54.827   0.299    7.08    6        9.6       30.2
   15   1   0  -3 27.637  55.274   0.301    6.95    6       14.5       68.2
   16   1   0   3 27.637  55.274   0.301    6.95    6        1.8        1.1
   17   2   1   0 28.594  57.187   0.311    6.43   12        4.2       10.4
   18   2   1  -1 29.955  59.911   0.324    5.79   12       20.1      218.1
   19   2   1   1 29.955  59.911   0.324    5.79   12       17.9      173.9
   20   1   1   3 31.987  63.975   0.344    5.01   12       12.7       75.8
   21   3   0   0 32.866  65.732   0.352    4.73    6        9.4       19.5
   22   2   1  -2 33.842  67.684   0.361    4.44   12       21.2      186.7
   23   2   1   2 33.842  67.684   0.361    4.44   12       12.4       63.9
   24   2   0  -3 34.04   68.079   0.363    4.39    6       17.1       59.9
   25   2   0   3 34.04   68.079   0.363    4.39    6       34.4      242.1
   26   3   0  -1 34.128  68.256   0.364    4.36    6       30.3      187.0
   27   3   0   1 34.128  68.256   0.364    4.36    6        1.8        0.7
   28   1   0  -4 36.695  73.391   0.388    3.78    6       10.6       19.9
   29   1   0   4 36.695  73.391   0.388    3.78    6       21.5       81.5
   30   3   0  -2 37.796  75.592   0.398    3.58    6       15.9       42.1
   31   3   0   2 37.796  75.592   0.398    3.58    6       22.9       87.8
   32   2   2   0 38.802  77.603   0.407    3.42    6       20.9       69.6
   33   2   1  -3 39.903  79.805   0.416    3.27   12        9.6       28.1
   34   2   1   3 39.903  79.805   0.416    3.27   12       19.4      115.3
   35   2   2   1 39.986  79.972   0.417    3.26   12       11.3       38.9
   36   1   1   4 40.543  81.086   0.422    3.19   12       20.0      119.6
   37   3   1   0 40.709  81.417   0.423    3.17   12       21.2      132.6
   38   3   1  -1 41.88   83.76    0.433    3.05   12       15.6       69.6
   39   3   1   1 41.88   83.76    0.433    3.05   12        8.3       19.8
   40   2   0  -4 42.432  84.864   0.438    3.0     6        1.9        0.5
   41   2   0   4 42.432  84.864   0.438    3.0     6        9.9       13.7
   42   2   2   2 43.495  86.991   0.447    2.92   12        2.5        1.7
   43   3   0  -3 43.679  87.357   0.448    2.91    6        3.6        1.8
   44   3   0   3 43.679  87.357   0.448    2.91    6        9.6       12.4

  X-ray diffraction powder data (I)...X-Ray wave length =  1.54056 (angs.):

  No   H   K   L   Theta 2*Theta    d           I int   I int.n.  I p.h.n.   H(Si)
                    ( degree )   (angstrem)     *100                         *100

    1   1   0   0  10.422  20.843  4.25825      744.3     19.7     19.8     5.6
    2   1   0   1  13.309  26.618  3.34607     3776.9    100.0    100.0     5.6
    3   1   1   0  18.259  36.518  2.4585       279.5      7.4      7.3     5.7
    4   1   0   2  19.716  39.432  2.28327      280.6      7.4      7.3     5.7
    5   1   1   1  20.13   40.259  2.23823      126.4      3.3      3.3     5.7
    6   2   0   0  21.21   42.419  2.12912      209.9      5.6      5.5     5.7
    7   2   0   1  22.879  45.759  1.98122      129.0      3.4      3.4     5.7
    8   1   1   2  25.048  50.097  1.81934      522.6     13.8     13.5     5.7
    9   2   0   2  27.413  54.827  1.67304      162.9      4.3      4.2     5.8
   10   1   0   3  27.637  55.274  1.66056       69.3      1.8      1.8     5.8
   11   2   1   1  29.955  59.911  1.54265      392.0     10.4     10.0     5.8
   12   1   1   3  31.987  63.975  1.45409       75.8      2.0      1.9     5.9
   13   2   1   2  33.842  67.684  1.38315      250.6      6.6      6.3     5.9
   14   2   0   3  34.04   68.079  1.37608      302.0      8.0      7.6     5.9
   15   3   0   1  34.128  68.256  1.37295      187.7      5.0      4.7     5.9
   16   1   0   4  36.695  73.391  1.28904      101.4      2.7      2.5     6.0
   17   3   0   2  37.796  75.592  1.25688      129.9      3.4      3.2     6.0
   18   2   2   0  38.802  77.603  1.22925       69.6      1.8      1.7     6.0
   19   2   1   3  39.903  79.805  1.20078      143.4      3.8      3.5     6.0
   20   2   2   1  39.986  79.972  1.1987        38.9      1.0      1.0     6.0
   21   1   1   4  40.543  81.086  1.18502      119.6      3.2      2.9     6.1
   22   3   1   0  40.709  81.417  1.18103      132.6      3.5      3.3     6.1
   23   3   1   1  41.88   83.76   1.15385       89.4      2.4      2.2     6.1

Chichagov A.V. et al.
Information-Calculating System on Crystal Structure Data of Minerals
- Kristallographiya, v.35, n.3, 1990, p.610-616 (in Russian)