Institute of Experimental Mineralogy
                 Russian Academy of Sciences
           142432, Chernogolovka, Moscow district
             A.V. Chichagov  +7(496)52-22320


          ***      W W W - X R A Y P O L       ***



Tetragonal  * I4(1)/amd  Z = 4

R =0.035

11 .5 .1990


         M.O. Keeffe, J.-O. Bovin (1978)

         * Amer. Mineral., 63, 180-185

                   Initial data from BDM-file 

   Lattice parameters (cub. angs.,degr.):

             a =   5.837    alpha =   90.0 
             b =   5.837    beta  =   90.0 
             c =   9.932    gamma =   90.0 

    Unit cell volume (cub. angs.) =   338.39

    Molar volume ( =    50.96

  Co-ordinates, thermal parameters, occupation for atomic positions:

NoP   x/a     y/b     z/c    B(j)   atom  / occupation

   1 0.0     0.0     0.0      0.0    Cu    = 1.00
   2 0.0     0.0     0.5      0.0    Cu    = 1.00
   3 0.0     0.25    0.1173   0.8    O     = 1.00
   4 0.0     0.25    0.375    0.7    O     = 1.00

  Co-ordinates for all atomic positions :

   No       NoP      x/a        y/b       z/c 

     1       1     0.0        0.0        0.0   
     2       2     0.0        0.0        0.5   
     3       3     0.0        0.25       0.1173
     4       4     0.0        0.25       0.375 
     5       3     0.0        0.75       0.8827
     6       4     0.0        0.75       0.625 
     7       1     0.5        0.0        0.5   
     8       2     0.5        0.0        0.0   
     9       3     0.5        0.25       0.3827
    10       4     0.5        0.25       0.125 
    11       3     0.5        0.75       0.6173
    12       4     0.5        0.75       0.875 
    13       1     0.0        0.5        0.0   
    14       2     0.0        0.5        0.5   
    15       1     0.5        0.5        0.5   
    16       2     0.5        0.5        0.0   
    17       1     0.75       0.25       0.75  
    18       1     0.75       0.75       0.25  
    19       2     0.75       0.25       0.25  
    20       2     0.75       0.75       0.75  
    21       3     0.5        0.25       0.8673
    22       3     0.0        0.75       0.3673
    23       3     0.0        0.25       0.6327
    24       3     0.5        0.75       0.1327
    25       1     0.25       0.25       0.75  
    26       1     0.25       0.75       0.25  
    27       2     0.25       0.25       0.25  
    28       2     0.25       0.75       0.75  

X-ray density (g/cm cub.)   =      5.93

MU (1/cm) =     274.68     Mass attenuation coefficient (cm**2/g) =     46.324

 Selected interatomic distances (cation-anion,anion-anion):

 NoP    Atom              Rad.sph.      C.N.    Distance     NoP N.
                           (angs.)               (angs.)

    1    Cu                  2.808        2
                                                 1.8673       3
                                                 1.8673       3
    2    Cu                  2.808        4
                                                 1.9159       4
                                                 1.9159       4
                                                 1.9663       3
                                                 1.9663       3
    3    O                   3.264        3
                                                 2.5595       4
                                                 2.9195       4
                                                 2.9195       4
    4    O                   3.264        6
                                                 2.5595       3
                                                 2.9195       3
                                                 2.9195       3
                                                 2.9195       3
                                                 2.9195       3
                                                 2.5595       3

  X-ray diffraction powder data (II),  X-Ray W.L. =   1.54056(angs.):

  No   H   K   L   Theta 2*Theta    S       LPG   MF        F          I int.
                    ( degree )                                         *100

    1   1   0   1  8.805  17.609   0.099   82.43    8       18.5      197.8
    2   1   1   2 14.044  28.088   0.158   31.13    8       24.8      133.6
    3   2   0   0 15.303  30.607   0.171   25.91    4       72.3      473.0
    4   1   0   3 15.515  31.029   0.174   25.16    8       21.8       83.9
    5   2   1   1 17.764  35.529   0.198   18.75   16       14.2       52.7
    6   2   0   2 17.826  35.653   0.199   18.61    8      373.7    18160.3
    7   0   0   4 18.073  36.145   0.201   18.06    2      307.9     2989.5
    8   2   2   0 21.916  43.833   0.242   11.76    4      300.4     3709.1
    9   2   1   3 22.072  44.145   0.244   11.58   16       17.3       48.4
   10   3   0   1 23.792  47.584   0.262    9.77    8       11.4        8.9
   11   2   0   4 24.036  48.071   0.264    9.55    8       52.1      181.2
   12   1   0   5 24.181  48.361   0.266    9.42    8        6.5        2.8
   13   3   1   2 26.436  52.873   0.289    7.69   16       15.8       26.7
   14   3   0   3 27.336  54.671   0.298    7.12    8       14.2       10.1
   15   3   2   1 28.822  57.643   0.313    6.32   16        9.5        7.9
   16   2   2   4 29.035  58.07    0.315    6.21    8      372.1     6009.5
   17   2   1   5 29.162  58.324   0.316    6.15   16        5.4        2.6
   18   1   1   6 30.09   60.18    0.325    5.73    8       12.7        6.5
   19   3   1   4 31.331  62.663   0.338    5.24   16        0.0        0.0
   20   4   0   0 31.861  63.722   0.343    5.05    4      356.8     2248.0
   21   3   2   3 31.982  63.963   0.344    5.01   16       12.1       10.2
   22   2   0   6 32.342  64.684   0.347    4.89    8      315.2     3394.8
   23   4   1   1 33.34   66.68    0.357    4.58   16        8.1        4.2
   24   4   0   2 33.379  66.758   0.357    4.57    8        0.0        0.0
   25   3   0   5 33.654  67.307   0.36     4.49    8        4.7        0.7
   26   1   0   7 33.966  67.931   0.363    4.41    8       14.6        6.5
   27   3   3   2 35.519  71.037   0.377    4.02    8       11.4        3.6
   28   4   2   0 36.169  72.338   0.383    3.88    8       34.4       32.1
   29   4   1   3 36.282  72.565   0.384    3.86   16       10.5        5.9
   30   4   2   2 37.605  75.209   0.396    3.61   16      294.1     4364.1
   31   4   0   4 37.754  75.508   0.397    3.59    8      261.2     1708.6
   32   3   2   5 37.866  75.731   0.398    3.57   16        4.1        0.8
   33   2   1   7 38.163  76.326   0.401    3.52   16       12.7        8.0
   34   0   0   8 38.348  76.697   0.403    3.49    2      321.8      630.9
   35   3   1   6 38.686  77.371   0.406    3.44   16        9.5        4.3
   36   4   3   1 41.634  83.268   0.431    3.07   16        6.3        1.7
   37   5   0   1 41.634  83.268   0.431    3.07    8        6.3        0.9
   38   4   2   4 41.815  83.631   0.433    3.06   16       28.7       35.3
   39   4   1   5 41.924  83.849   0.434    3.05   16        3.7        0.6
   40   3   0   7 42.214  84.429   0.436    3.02    8       11.4        2.7
   41   2   0   8 42.396  84.791   0.438    3.0     8       27.2       15.6
   42   5   1   2 43.673  87.346   0.448    2.91   16        8.9        3.2
   43   4   3   3 44.399  88.797   0.454    2.86   16        8.3        2.8
   44   5   0   3 44.399  88.797   0.454    2.86    8        8.3        1.4
   45   4   0   6 44.723  89.447   0.457    2.84    8        0.0        0.0

  X-ray diffraction powder data (I)...X-Ray wave length =  1.54056 (angs.):

  No   H   K   L   Theta 2*Theta    d           I int   I int.n.  I p.h.n.   H(Si)
                    ( degree )   (angstrem)     *100                         *100

    1   1   0   1   8.805  17.609  5.03229      197.8      1.1      1.1     5.6
    2   2   0   0  15.303  30.607  2.9185       473.0      2.6      2.6     5.6
    3   2   0   2  17.826  35.653  2.51615    18160.3    100.0    100.0     5.7
    4   0   0   4  18.073  36.145  2.483       2989.5     16.5     16.5     5.7
    5   2   2   0  21.916  43.833  2.06369     3709.1     20.4     20.3     5.7
    6   2   2   4  29.035  58.07   1.58709     6009.5     33.1     32.2     5.8
    7   4   0   0  31.861  63.722  1.45925     2248.0     12.4     12.0     5.9
    8   2   0   6  32.342  64.684  1.43986     3394.8     18.7     18.0     5.9
    9   4   2   2  37.605  75.209  1.26232     4364.1     24.0     22.7     6.0
   10   4   0   4  37.754  75.508  1.25807     1708.6      9.4      8.9     6.0
   11   0   0   8  38.348  76.697  1.2415       630.9      3.5      3.3     6.0

Chichagov A.V. et al.
Information-Calculating System on Crystal Structure Data of Minerals
- Kristallographiya, v.35, n.3, 1990, p.610-616 (in Russian)