Institute of Experimental Mineralogy
                 Russian Academy of Sciences
           142432, Chernogolovka, Moscow district
             A.V. Chichagov  +7(496)52-22320


          ***      W W W - X R A Y P O L       ***

1, td-spinel, f-hetaerolite


Tetragonal  I 4(1)/amd  Z = 4


15 .4 .1994


         Satomi K. (1961)

         * J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 16, 258-265

Ref.Composition & Lattice:

         Povarennih A.S. (1966)

         * Kristallohim. klassif. miner. vidov (in Russia)


         The coordinates of atoms are from hausmannite. N.A.D.

                   Initial data from BDM-file 

   Lattice parameters (cub. angs.,degr.):

             a =   5.75     alpha =   90.0 
             b =   5.75     beta  =   90.0 
             c =   9.17     gamma =   90.0 

    Unit cell volume (cub. angs.) =   303.18

    Molar volume ( =    45.65

  Co-ordinates, thermal parameters, occupation for atomic positions:

NoP   x/a     y/b     z/c    B(j)   atom  / occupation

   1 0.0     0.0     0.0      0.0    Zn    = 1.00
   2 0.0     0.25    0.625    0.0    Mn    = 1.00
   3 0.0     0.214   0.384    0.0    O     = 1.00

  Co-ordinates for all atomic positions :

   No       NoP      x/a        y/b       z/c 

     1       1     0.0        0.0        0.0   
     2       2     0.0        0.25       0.625 
     3       3     0.0        0.214      0.384 
     4       2     0.25       0.0        0.375 
     5       2     0.0        0.75       0.625 
     6       2     0.75       0.0        0.375 
     7       3     0.214      0.0        0.616 
     8       3     0.0        0.786      0.384 
     9       3     0.786      0.0        0.616 
    10       1     0.5        0.0        0.75  
    11       1     0.5        0.5        0.5   
    12       1     0.0        0.5        0.25  
    13       2     0.5        0.25       0.125 
    14       2     0.25       0.5        0.875 
    15       3     0.286      0.0        0.134 
    16       3     0.5        0.286      0.884 
    17       3     0.214      0.5        0.634 
    18       2     0.5        0.75       0.125 
    19       2     0.75       0.5        0.875 
    20       3     0.5        0.214      0.366 
    21       3     0.286      0.5        0.116 
    22       3     0.0        0.286      0.866 
    23       3     0.714      0.0        0.134 
    24       3     0.5        0.714      0.884 
    25       3     0.786      0.5        0.634 
    26       3     0.5        0.786      0.366 
    27       3     0.714      0.5        0.116 
    28       3     0.0        0.714      0.866 

X-ray density (g/cm cub.)   =      5.24

MU (1/cm) =     788.282    Mass attenuation coefficient (cm**2/g) =    150.44 

 Selected interatomic distances (cation-anion,anion-anion):

 NoP    Atom              Rad.sph.      C.N.    Distance     NoP N.
                           (angs.)               (angs.)

    1    Zn                  2.628        4
                                                 2.0529       3
                                                 2.0529       3
                                                 2.0529       3
                                                 2.0529       3
    2    Mn                  2.724        6
                                                 2.2196       3
                                                 1.894        3
                                                 1.894        3
                                                 1.894        3
                                                 2.2196       3
                                                 1.894        3
    3    O                   3.264        9
                                                 2.7485       3
                                                 2.461        3
                                                 2.7485       3
                                                 3.078        3
                                                 3.078        3
                                                 2.8797       3
                                                 2.8797       3
                                                 3.078        3
                                                 3.078        3

  X-ray diffraction powder data (II),  X-Ray W.L. =   1.54056(angs.):

  No   H   K   L   Theta 2*Theta    S       LPG   MF        F          I int.
                    ( degree )                                         *100

    1   1   0   1  9.098  18.196   0.103   77.06    8       30.1      606.9
    2   1   1   2 14.668  29.335   0.164   28.37    8       98.5     2394.6
    3   2   0   0 15.541  31.081   0.174   25.07    4       99.4     1078.5
    4   1   0   3 16.582  33.165   0.185   21.79    8      144.2     3943.4
    5   2   1   1 18.126  36.251   0.202   17.94   16      130.0     5274.1
    6   2   0   2 18.436  36.871   0.205   17.29    8       62.5      587.1
    7   0   0   4 19.633  39.267   0.218   15.04    2      139.0      632.4
    8   2   2   0 22.266  44.531   0.246   11.35    4      122.8      745.2
    9   2   1   3 23.045  46.089   0.254   10.5    16        5.9        6.5
   10   3   0   1 24.241  48.481   0.267    9.36    8       13.0       13.8
   11   2   0   4 25.451  50.902   0.279    8.38    8       76.0      421.4
   12   1   0   5 26.158  52.316   0.286    7.87    8      135.6     1260.4
   13   3   1   2 27.111  54.223   0.296    7.26   16       75.6      722.2
   14   3   0   3 28.318  56.635   0.308    6.58    8       88.3      446.1
   15   3   2   1 29.357  58.715   0.318    6.06   16      132.7     1857.4
   16   2   2   4 30.426  60.851   0.329    5.59    8      241.5     2839.8
   17   2   1   5 31.056  62.112   0.335    5.35   16        7.5        5.3
   18   4   0   0 32.401  64.803   0.348    4.87    4      227.7     1099.4
   19   1   1   6 32.577  65.154   0.35     4.82    8       65.6      180.3
   20   3   1   4 32.731  65.462   0.351    4.77   16        5.4        2.4
   21   3   2   3 33.01   66.021   0.354    4.68   16       19.2       30.1
   22   4   1   1 33.965  67.93    0.363    4.41   16       13.1       13.1
   23   4   0   2 34.164  68.328   0.365    4.35    8       10.3        4.0
   24   2   0   6 34.805  69.61    0.371    4.19    8       58.9      126.6
   25   3   0   5 35.542  71.084   0.377    4.02    8       90.9      289.2
   26   3   3   2 36.346  72.692   0.385    3.85    8       61.6      127.1
   27   4   2   0 36.805  73.61    0.389    3.76    8       57.6      108.5
   28   1   0   7 37.09   74.18    0.391    3.7     8        1.1        0.0
   29   4   1   3 37.381  74.762   0.394    3.65   16       99.1      623.5
   30   4   2   2 38.477  76.955   0.404    3.47   16       63.3      242.0
   31   4   0   4 39.233  78.466   0.411    3.36    8       74.0      159.9
   32   3   2   5 39.797  79.595   0.415    3.28   16       25.4       36.8
   33   3   1   6 41.177  82.354   0.427    3.12   16       63.0      215.6
   34   2   1   7 41.293  82.585   0.428    3.11   16       77.4      323.6
   35   0   0   8 42.222  84.443   0.436    3.02    2      192.6      243.6
   36   4   3   1 42.458  84.917   0.438    3.0    16        7.9        3.2
   37   5   0   1 42.458  84.917   0.438    3.0     8       26.4       18.2
   38   4   2   4 43.384  86.768   0.446    2.93   16       63.7      206.8
   39   4   1   5 43.939  87.877   0.45     2.89   16       94.4      448.2
   40   5   1   2 44.703  89.406   0.457    2.84   16       59.2      173.8

  X-ray diffraction powder data (I)...X-Ray wave length =  1.54056 (angs.):

  No   H   K   L   Theta 2*Theta    d           I int   I int.n.  I p.h.n.   H(Si)
                    ( degree )   (angstrem)     *100                         *100

    1   1   0   1   9.098  18.196  4.87151      606.9     11.5     11.7     5.6
    2   1   1   2  14.668  29.335  3.04206     2394.6     45.4     45.7     5.6
    3   2   0   0  15.541  31.081  2.875       1078.5     20.4     20.5     5.6
    4   1   0   3  16.582  33.165  2.69901     3943.4     74.8     75.0     5.6
    5   2   1   1  18.126  36.251  2.47597     5274.1    100.0    100.0     5.7
    6   2   0   2  18.436  36.871  2.43575      587.1     11.1     11.1     5.7
    7   0   0   4  19.633  39.267  2.2925       632.4     12.0     12.0     5.7
    8   2   2   0  22.266  44.531  2.03293      745.2     14.1     14.0     5.7
    9   2   0   4  25.451  50.902  1.79242      421.4      8.0      7.9     5.8
   10   1   0   5  26.158  52.316  1.74727     1260.4     23.9     23.5     5.8
   11   3   1   2  27.111  54.223  1.69025      722.2     13.7     13.4     5.8
   12   3   0   3  28.318  56.635  1.62384      446.1      8.5      8.3     5.8
   13   3   2   1  29.357  58.715  1.57118     1857.4     35.2     34.3     5.8
   14   2   2   4  30.426  60.851  1.52103     2839.8     53.8     52.3     5.8
   15   4   0   0  32.401  64.803  1.4375      1099.4     20.8     20.1     5.9
   16   1   1   6  32.577  65.154  1.4306       180.3      3.4      3.3     5.9
   17   2   0   6  34.805  69.61   1.3495       126.6      2.4      2.3     5.9
   18   3   0   5  35.542  71.084  1.32509      289.2      5.5      5.2     5.9
   19   3   3   2  36.346  72.692  1.2997       127.1      2.4      2.3     6.0
   20   4   2   0  36.805  73.61   1.28574      108.5      2.1      2.0     6.0
   21   4   1   3  37.381  74.762  1.26877      623.5     11.8     11.2     6.0
   22   4   2   2  38.477  76.955  1.23798      242.0      4.6      4.3     6.0
   23   4   0   4  39.233  78.466  1.21788      159.9      3.0      2.9     6.0
   24   3   1   6  41.177  82.354  1.16995      215.6      4.1      3.8     6.1
   25   2   1   7  41.293  82.585  1.16726      323.6      6.1      5.7     6.1
   26   0   0   8  42.222  84.443  1.14625      243.6      4.6      4.3     6.1
   27   4   2   4  43.384  86.768  1.12141      206.8      3.9      3.6     6.1
   28   4   1   5  43.939  87.877  1.1101       448.2      8.5      7.8     6.2
   29   5   1   2  44.703  89.406  1.09503      173.8      3.3      3.0     6.2

Chichagov A.V. et al.
Information-Calculating System on Crystal Structure Data of Minerals
- Kristallographiya, v.35, n.3, 1990, p.610-616 (in Russian)