Institute of Experimental Mineralogy
                 Russian Academy of Sciences
           142432, Chernogolovka, Moscow district
             A.V. Chichagov  +7(496)52-22320


          ***      W W W - X R A Y P O L       ***

1, f-frohbergite


Orthorhombic  P nnm  Z = 2

R =0.045

2 .4 .1990


         Pertlik F. (1986)

         * An. Oesterr. Akad. Wiss. Math.-Naturwiss., K1, 123, 123-135

                   Initial data from BDM-file 

   Lattice parameters (cub. angs.,degr.):

             a =   5.29     alpha =   90.0 
             b =   6.273    beta  =   90.0 
             c =   3.879    gamma =   90.0 

    Unit cell volume (cub. angs.) =   128.72

    Molar volume ( =    38.77

  Co-ordinates, thermal parameters, occupation for atomic positions:

NoP   x/a     y/b     z/c    B(j)   atom  / occupation

   1 0.0     0.0     0.0      0.0    Fe    = 1.00
   2 0.2043  0.362   0.0      0.0    Te    = 1.00

  Co-ordinates for all atomic positions :

   No       NoP      x/a        y/b       z/c 

     1       1     0.0        0.0        0.0   
     2       2     0.2043     0.362      0.0   
     3       2     0.7957     0.638      0.0   
     4       1     0.5        0.5        0.5   
     5       2     0.2957     0.862      0.5   
     6       2     0.7043     0.138      0.5   

X-ray density (g/cm cub.)   =      8.02

MU (1/cm) =    2754.99     Mass attenuation coefficient (cm**2/g) =    343.405

 Selected interatomic distances (cation-anion,anion-anion):

 NoP    Atom              Rad.sph.      C.N.    Distance     NoP N.
                           (angs.)               (angs.)

    1    Fe                  3.492        6
                                                 2.5149       2
                                                 2.5149       2
                                                 2.6378       2
                                                 2.6378       2
                                                 2.6378       2
                                                 2.6378       2
    2    Te                  5.064       15
                                                 3.879        2
                                                 3.879        2
                                                 3.5756       2
                                                 4.7662       2
                                                 2.7694       2
                                                 4.7662       2
                                                 5.0298       2
                                                 3.7193       2
                                                 3.7193       2
                                                 3.7193       2
                                                 3.7193       2
                                                 3.5682       2
                                                 3.5682       2
                                                 3.5682       2
                                                 3.5682       2

  X-ray diffraction powder data (II),  X-Ray W.L. =   1.78892(angs.):

  No   H   K   L   Theta 2*Theta    S       LPG   MF        F          I int.
                    ( degree )                                         *100

    1   1   1   0 12.778  25.557   0.124   38.02    4       11.4      119.9
    2   0   1   1 15.731  31.461   0.152   24.42    4       72.3     3079.7
    3   0   2   0 16.569  33.139   0.159   21.82    2       14.2       53.0
    4   1   0   1 16.615  33.23    0.16    21.69    4       93.0     4528.2
    5   1   1   1 18.634  37.268   0.179   16.88    8      125.7    12876.1
    6   1   2   0 19.362  38.724   0.185   15.51    4      161.0     9710.2
    7   2   0   0 19.765  39.531   0.189   14.82    2      101.2     1833.1
    8   2   1   0 21.531  43.062   0.205   12.24    4       68.4     1384.3
    9   1   2   1 23.819  47.637   0.226    9.75    8       31.0      450.9
   10   2   1   1 25.686  51.371   0.242    8.21    8      122.3     5926.7
   11   2   2   0 26.255  52.51    0.247    7.81    4       58.1      637.0
   12   1   3   0 27.385  54.771   0.257    7.09    4       73.5      924.7
   13   0   0   2 27.463  54.927   0.258    7.05    2      189.3     3050.0
   14   0   3   1 29.075  58.151   0.272    6.19    4      164.1     4025.2
   15   2   2   1 29.924  59.849   0.279    5.81    8       79.7     1779.3
   16   1   1   2 30.762  61.525   0.286    5.46    8        7.4       14.5
   17   1   3   1 30.966  61.933   0.288    5.38    8       72.4     1363.1
   18   3   1   0 31.797  63.594   0.295    5.08    4      105.2     1356.9
   19   0   2   2 32.836  65.671   0.303    4.73    4        9.9       11.3
   20   2   3   0 33.045  66.089   0.305    4.67    4       40.1      180.9
   21   3   0   1 33.863  67.726   0.311    4.44    4       75.0      602.1
   22   1   2   2 34.61   69.219   0.318    4.24    8      133.3     3636.3
   23   0   4   0 34.775  69.55    0.319    4.2     2      100.8      515.2
   24   2   0   2 34.881  69.763   0.32     4.17    4       85.6      738.4
   25   3   1   1 35.111  70.222   0.322    4.12    8       69.6      962.0
   26   3   2   0 35.586  71.172   0.325    4.01    4       89.5      776.0
   27   2   1   2 36.114  72.227   0.329    3.9     8       57.4      619.1
   28   2   3   1 36.302  72.604   0.331    3.86    8       67.9      859.4
   29   1   4   0 36.505  73.01    0.333    3.82    4       42.5      166.0
   30   3   2   1 38.752  77.503   0.35     3.43    8       47.1      366.7
   31   1   4   1 39.644  79.288   0.357    3.3     8        5.7        5.2
   32   2   2   2 39.72   79.441   0.357    3.29    8       48.2      369.7
   33   1   3   2 40.644  81.287   0.364    3.18    8       61.7      584.4
   34   2   4   0 41.535  83.069   0.371    3.08    4      133.3     1323.2
   35   3   3   0 41.571  83.142   0.371    3.08    4       55.9      232.0
   36   4   0   0 42.558  85.117   0.378    2.99    2       81.9      242.3
   37   4   1   0 43.726  87.452   0.386    2.9     4       89.1      555.9
   38   3   1   2 44.446  88.892   0.391    2.86    8       90.6     1132.1
   39   2   4   1 44.59   89.179   0.392    2.85    8       22.1       67.5
   40   3   3   1 44.626  89.251   0.393    2.85    8       42.5      248.9
   41   0   1   3 44.936  89.872   0.395    2.83    4       54.0      199.1

  X-ray diffraction powder data (I)...X-Ray wave length =  1.78892 (angs.):

  No   H   K   L   Theta 2*Theta    d           I int   I int.n.  I p.h.n.   H(Si)
                    ( degree )   (angstrem)     *100                         *100

    1   0   1   1  15.731  31.461  3.29919     3079.7     23.9     24.0     5.6
    2   1   0   1  16.615  33.23   3.12814     4528.2     35.2     35.3     5.6
    3   1   1   1  18.634  37.268  2.79938    12876.1    100.0    100.0     5.7
    4   1   2   0  19.362  38.724  2.69793     9710.2     75.4     75.3     5.7
    5   2   0   0  19.765  39.531  2.645       1833.1     14.2     14.2     5.7
    6   2   1   0  21.531  43.062  2.43721     1384.3     10.8     10.7     5.7
    7   1   2   1  23.819  47.637  2.21488      450.9      3.5      3.5     5.7
    8   2   1   1  25.686  51.371  2.06367     5926.7     46.0     45.3     5.8
    9   2   2   0  26.255  52.51   2.022        637.0      4.9      4.9     5.8
   10   1   3   0  27.385  54.771  1.9446       924.7      7.2      7.0     5.8
   11   0   0   2  27.463  54.927  1.9395      3050.0     23.7     23.2     5.8
   12   0   3   1  29.075  58.151  1.84061     4025.2     31.3     30.5     5.8
   13   2   2   1  29.924  59.849  1.79302     1779.3     13.8     13.5     5.8
   14   1   3   1  30.966  61.933  1.73839     1363.1     10.6     10.3     5.8
   15   3   1   0  31.797  63.594  1.69754     1356.9     10.5     10.2     5.9
   16   2   3   0  33.045  66.089  1.64033      180.9      1.4      1.4     5.9
   17   3   0   1  33.863  67.726  1.60526      602.1      4.7      4.5     5.9
   18   1   2   2  34.61   69.219  1.5748      3636.3     28.2     27.1     5.9
   19   0   4   0  34.775  69.55   1.56825      515.2      4.0      3.8     5.9
   20   2   0   2  34.881  69.763  1.56407      738.4      5.7      5.5     5.9
   21   3   1   1  35.111  70.222  1.55514      962.0      7.5      7.2     5.9
   22   3   2   0  35.586  71.172  1.53708      776.0      6.0      5.8     5.9
   23   2   1   2  36.114  72.227  1.51761      619.1      4.8      4.6     5.9
   24   2   3   1  36.302  72.604  1.5108       859.4      6.7      6.4     6.0
   25   1   4   0  36.505  73.01   1.50357      166.0      1.3      1.2     6.0
   26   3   2   1  38.752  77.503  1.42898      366.7      2.8      2.7     6.0
   27   2   2   2  39.72   79.441  1.39969      369.7      2.9      2.7     6.0
   28   1   3   2  40.644  81.287  1.37323      584.4      4.5      4.2     6.1
   29   2   4   0  41.535  83.069  1.34896     1323.2     10.3      9.6     6.1
   30   3   3   0  41.571  83.142  1.348        232.0      1.8      1.7     6.1
   31   4   0   0  42.558  85.117  1.3225       242.3      1.9      1.7     6.1
   32   4   1   0  43.726  87.452  1.29405      555.9      4.3      4.0     6.2
   33   3   1   2  44.446  88.892  1.27737     1132.1      8.8      8.1     6.2
   34   3   3   1  44.626  89.251  1.27331      248.9      1.9      1.8     6.2
   35   0   1   3  44.936  89.872  1.26638      199.1      1.5      1.4     6.2

Chichagov A.V. et al.
Information-Calculating System on Crystal Structure Data of Minerals
- Kristallographiya, v.35, n.3, 1990, p.610-616 (in Russian)