Institute of Experimental Mineralogy
                 Russian Academy of Sciences
           142432, Chernogolovka, Moscow district
             A.V. Chichagov  +7(496)52-22320


          ***      W W W - X R A Y P O L       ***

1, t-ilmenite, s-ilmenite


Hexagonal  R 3(-)  Z = 6


14 .11 .1994


         Wyckoff R.W.G. (1963)

         * Crystal Structures, 2, 420-421

Ref.Composition & Lattice:

         Birch W.D., Burke E.A.J., Wall V.J., Etherdge M.A. (1988)

         *  Mineral. Mag., 52, 237


         The coordnates of atoms are considered to equal to the those

         of ilmenite.  N.A.D.

                   Initial data from BDM-file 

   Lattice parameters (cub. angs.,degr.):

             a =   5.09     alpha =   90.0 
             b =   5.09     beta  =   90.0 
             c =  14.036    gamma =  120.0 

    Unit cell volume (cub. angs.) =   314.93

    Molar volume ( =    31.62

  Co-ordinates, thermal parameters, occupation for atomic positions:

NoP   x/a     y/b     z/c    B(j)   atom  / occupation

   1 0.0     0.0     0.358    0.0    Zn    = 1.00
   2 0.0     0.0     0.142    0.0    Ti    = 1.00
   3 0.305   0.015   0.25     0.0    O     = 1.00

  Co-ordinates for all atomic positions :

   No       NoP      x/a        y/b       z/c 

     1       1     0.0        0.0        0.358 
     2       2     0.0        0.0        0.142 
     3       3     0.305      0.015      0.25  
     4       3     0.985      0.29       0.25  
     5       3     0.71       0.695      0.25  
     6       1     0.6667     0.3333     0.6913
     7       1     0.3333     0.6667     0.0247
     8       2     0.6667     0.3333     0.4753
     9       2     0.3333     0.6667     0.8087
    10       3     0.6517     0.6233     0.5833
    11       3     0.0433     0.3617     0.9167
    12       3     0.3767     0.0283     0.5833
    13       3     0.6383     0.6817     0.9167
    14       3     0.9717     0.3483     0.5833
    15       3     0.3183     0.9566     0.9167
    16       1     0.0        0.0        0.642 
    17       2     0.0        0.0        0.858 
    18       3     0.695      0.985      0.75  
    19       3     0.015      0.71       0.75  
    20       3     0.29       0.305      0.75  
    21       1     0.3333     0.6667     0.3087
    22       1     0.6667     0.3333     0.9753
    23       2     0.3333     0.6667     0.5247
    24       2     0.6667     0.3333     0.1913
    25       3     0.3483     0.3767     0.4167
    26       3     0.9567     0.6383     0.0833
    27       3     0.6233     0.9717     0.4167
    28       3     0.3617     0.3183     0.0833
    29       3     0.0283     0.6517     0.4167
    30       3     0.6817     0.0434     0.0833

X-ray density (g/cm cub.)   =      5.1 

MU (1/cm) =     493.61     Mass attenuation coefficient (cm**2/g) =     96.775

 Selected interatomic distances (cation-anion,anion-anion):

 NoP    Atom              Rad.sph.      C.N.    Distance     NoP N.
                           (angs.)               (angs.)

    1    Zn                  2.628        6
                                                 2.1437       3
                                                 2.1436       3
                                                 2.1437       3
                                                 2.0244       3
                                                 2.0244       3
                                                 2.0245       3
    2    Ti                  2.568        6
                                                 2.1437       3
                                                 2.1436       3
                                                 2.1437       3
                                                 1.9259       3
                                                 1.926        3
                                                 1.926        3
    3    O                   3.264       12
                                                 3.0157       3
                                                 2.6253       3
                                                 3.2032       3
                                                 3.0157       3
                                                 3.2032       3
                                                 2.6253       3
                                                 2.9162       3
                                                 2.982        3
                                                 2.9162       3
                                                 2.7375       3
                                                 2.8761       3
                                                 2.982        3

  X-ray diffraction powder data (II),  X-Ray W.L. =   1.78892(angs.):

  No   H   K   L   Theta 2*Theta    S       LPG   MF        F          I int.
                    ( degree )                                         *100

    1   0   0   3 11.022  22.043   0.107   51.82    2       45.8      219.6
    2   1   0   1 12.28   24.56    0.119   41.34    6       27.1      183.8
    3   1   0  -2 13.864  27.728   0.134   31.99    6       73.6     1048.6
    4   1   0   4 19.015  38.029   0.182   16.15    6      212.2     4399.4
    5   1   1   0 20.577  41.153   0.196   13.55    6      195.3     3125.9
    6   1   0  -5 22.195  44.39    0.211   11.43    6        8.2        4.6
    7   0   0   6 22.48   44.959   0.214   11.11    2       44.3       44.0
    8   1   1  -3 23.584  47.168   0.224    9.97    6       33.6       68.3
    9   1   1   3 23.584  47.168   0.224    9.97    6      120.4      873.5
   10   2   0  -1 24.255  48.51    0.23     9.35    6       40.9       94.5
   11   2   0   2 25.174  50.348   0.238    8.59    6       28.2       41.3
   12   2   0  -4 28.636  57.272   0.268    6.41    6      214.2     1779.9
   13   1   0   7 29.345  58.69    0.274    6.07    6       49.7       90.6
   14   2   0   5 31.062  62.124   0.288    5.34    6       20.1       13.1
   15   1   1  -6 31.288  62.577   0.29     5.26    6      159.5      809.7
   16   1   1   6 31.288  62.577   0.29     5.26    6      159.5      809.6
   17   1   2  -1 32.727  65.453   0.302    4.77    6        2.7        0.2
   18   2   1   1 32.727  65.453   0.302    4.77    6       51.5       76.5
   19   1   0  -8 33.278  66.557   0.307    4.6     6      141.9      560.2
   20   1   2   2 33.489  66.979   0.308    4.54    6       27.8       21.2
   21   2   1  -2 33.489  66.979   0.308    4.54    6       42.0       48.5
   22   0   0   9 34.997  69.994   0.321    4.15    2        7.8        0.5
   23   1   2  -4 36.463  72.926   0.332    3.82    6      188.5      821.7
   24   2   1   4 36.463  72.926   0.332    3.82    6      175.2      710.2
   25   2   0  -7 37.09   74.179   0.337    3.7     6       35.7       28.6
   26   3   0   0 37.499  74.997   0.34     3.63    6      243.3     1299.8
   27   1   2   5 38.63   77.261   0.349    3.44    6       11.5        2.8
   28   2   1  -5 38.63   77.261   0.349    3.44    6       30.6       19.5
   29   3   0  -3 39.647  79.294   0.357    3.3     6       38.8       30.1
   30   3   0   3 39.647  79.294   0.357    3.3     6       36.4       26.5
   31   2   0   8 40.663  81.327   0.364    3.18    6      105.6      214.2
   32   1   0  10 41.974  83.947   0.374    3.04    6      163.9      494.1
   33   1   1  -9 42.272  84.545   0.376    3.01    6       54.7       54.5
   34   1   1   9 42.272  84.545   0.376    3.01    6       40.3       29.6
   35   1   2  -7 44.267  88.534   0.39     2.87    6       59.5       61.4
   36   2   1   7 44.267  88.534   0.39     2.87    6       22.3        8.6
   37   2   2   0 44.661  89.323   0.393    2.85    6      149.4      384.2

  X-ray diffraction powder data (I)...X-Ray wave length =  1.78892 (angs.):

  No   H   K   L   Theta 2*Theta    d           I int   I int.n.  I p.h.n.   H(Si)
                    ( degree )   (angstrem)     *100                         *100

    1   0   0   3  11.022  22.043  4.67867      219.6      5.0      5.1     5.6
    2   1   0   1  12.28   24.56   4.20555      183.8      4.2      4.2     5.6
    3   1   0   2  13.864  27.728  3.73281     1048.6     23.8     24.1     5.6
    4   1   0   4  19.015  38.029  2.74536     4399.4    100.0    100.0     5.7
    5   1   1   0  20.577  41.153  2.545       3125.9     71.1     70.8     5.7
    6   0   0   6  22.48   44.959  2.33933       44.0      1.0      1.0     5.7
    7   1   1   3  23.584  47.168  2.23565      941.7     21.4     21.2     5.7
    8   2   0   1  24.255  48.51   2.17735       94.5      2.1      2.1     5.7
    9   2   0   4  28.636  57.272  1.86641     1779.9     40.5     39.6     5.8
   10   1   0   7  29.345  58.69   1.82518       90.6      2.1      2.0     5.8
   11   1   1   6  31.288  62.577  1.72228     1619.3     36.8     35.7     5.8
   12   2   1   1  32.727  65.453  1.65448       76.5      1.7      1.7     5.9
   13   1   0   8  33.278  66.557  1.63012      560.2     12.7     12.3     5.9
   14   2   1   2  33.489  66.979  1.62104       69.7      1.6      1.5     5.9
   15   1   2   4  36.463  72.926  1.50506     1531.9     34.8     33.2     6.0
   16   3   0   0  37.499  74.997  1.46936     1299.8     29.5     28.0     6.0
   17   3   0   3  39.647  79.294  1.40185       56.6      1.3      1.2     6.0
   18   2   0   8  40.663  81.327  1.37268      214.2      4.9      4.6     6.1
   19   1   0  10  41.974  83.947  1.33744      494.1     11.2     10.4     6.1
   20   1   1   9  42.272  84.545  1.32975       84.1      1.9      1.8     6.1
   21   1   2   7  44.267  88.534  1.28145       70.0      1.6      1.5     6.2
   22   2   2   0  44.661  89.323  1.2725       384.2      8.7      8.0     6.2

Chichagov A.V. et al.
Information-Calculating System on Crystal Structure Data of Minerals
- Kristallographiya, v.35, n.3, 1990, p.610-616 (in Russian)