Query preparation for searching data into WWW-MINCRYST

You can use some variants for searching by name of mineral and additional parameters (specification) of cards:

  1. By Alphabet. Simply press button with necessary letter and you get full listing of minerals beginned from this letter (please, wait some seconds).
  2. By FULL NAME. You input full name of mineral (exam. OLIVINE) and get list of all cards for this mineral. Attention: you can use any register (olivine == OLIVINE)
  3. By PARTIAL NAME (or substring). You input part of name (for example, PYROX) and get list of unique minerals where names contain this substring (CLINOPYROXENE, PYROXENE etc.)
    You can use next optional tools: You can check 'Use this name...' for searching same name in specification field. Simple example: you want to fing 'GARNET' but some cards have names as 'PYROPE', 'ALMANDINE' etc., and only in specification field they have 'GARNET' name. If you uncheck this checkbox only cards with name 'GARNET' will be find.

You also use additional parameters (specification) of cards. What is means? Many minerals have some cards for different confitions (composition, P-T parameteres, structure type etc.). Any card has specification which include:

You can combine this information with name of minerals for searching in regime 'AND' (by default) or 'NOT'. For example, you can find only low-ordered ALBITE if select name 'ALBITE' AND 'Low (ordered)' in specification list, and (against) other ALBITEs if select name 'ALBITE' NOT 'Low (ordered)' For using 'specification' you can use three fields:
  1. Numbers: 1, 10-15 (interval)
  2. Often used (abbreviations): synthetic, natural, analogue etc.
  3. Any string: here it is possible to enter any substring for additional search parameter.